Don’t Wake Daddy V
December 4 – 24
Participating Artists:
Anthony Ausgang, Anthony Pontius, Brendan Danielsson, Chris Pottinger, Colin Johnson, Eric White, Fred Stonehouse, Gregory Hergert, Heiko Müller, John Casey, Marco Wagner, Marcus Schäfer, Mark Elliott, Mia Mäkilä, Moki, Oksana Badrak, Paul Chatem, Ryan Heshka, Sergio Mora, Thorsten Hasenkamm and Wim Legrand
Feinkunst Krüger – Ditmar-Koel-Str. 22, 20459 Hamburg, Germany
13th Hour
October 29 – November 21
On Friday, October 29th at 7pm, Last Rites Gallery presents it’s third annual 13th Hour group exhibit, celebrating the Halloween season. The show features renowned artists from around the globe, working in an array of mediums including painting, photography, and sculpture. Among the talent included in this exhibit is Chris Mars, known for his deeply psychological, meticulously layered oil paintings; David Stoupakis, a gothic sur…realist painter who’s been profiled by media including Rolling Stone, Juxtapoz, and Spin Magazine; and Chet Zar, who’s dark vision has been featured in films including “The Ring”, “Hellboy II”, “Planet of the Apes”, as well as for the band Tool. From gothic elegance to finely crafted grotesquery, the beauty within the darkness is embraced and brought into the spotlight.
Participating Artists:
Paul Booth, Scott G. Brooks, Caniglia, John Cebollero, David R. Choquette, Christopher Conte, Brendan Danielsson, Jason D’Aquino, Pedro De Kastro, Paul Gerrard, Fred Harper, Naoto Hattori, Charlie Immer, Sarah Joncas, Laurie Lipton, Travis Louie, Michael Mararian, Chris Mars, Richard Meyer, Chris Peters, Anthony Pontius, Pooch, Paul Rumsey, José Manuel Schmill, David Stoupakis, Brian M. Viveros, Jasmine Worth, and Chet Zar.
Last Rites Gallery – 511 West 33rd Street, New York, NY
2D – Icons & Characters
October 23 – November 27
MondoPOP presents the most important international artists from Urban Art, Pop Surrealism and Low Brow Art regarding Character design.
Heirs of International Pop, this generation of artists born between 70’s and 80’s, grown up with Disney, Looney Tunes, anime and Manga, vintage videogames and old internet aesthetics, often create characters similar to the ones they spent their childhood and adolescence with: puppets that comes back from the childish imagination to fill the visual imagination of adults.
But you should not look to the figures represented as a mere exercise of replication of the older comics or cartoons: with their strong ability to penetrate the imaginary of entire generations characters become the protagonists of this perfect society, suitable to communicate every single message, from social criticism to human moods.
Now the most important and recognized authors of this genre have come together to MondoPOP Gallery with important names from USA as Glenn Barr, Gary Taxali, Shag, Buff Monster (special guest of the opening party!), Jeremy Fish, Joe Ledbetter, Jim Avignon, and from Europe: Jon Burgerman, Ian Stevenson, Boris Hoppek and even Italian artists as Tokidoki and Diavù.
Among them also fantastic female artists which portray almost exclusively female characters: Lisa Petrucci from the States, the Colombian Catalina Estrada, Italo-Canadian Camilla D’Errico and Japanese Naoshi, true pioneers of the genre and very much appreciated internationally.
Alberto Corradi, Bigfoot, Boris Hoppek, Brendan Danilesson, Buff Monster, Camilla d’Errico, Catalina Estrada, Camilla Falsini, Cesko, Dan Barry, Dave Cooper, David Diavù Vecchiato, DGPH, Edward Robin Coronel, Gary Taxali, Gian Franco Leroy, Giovanna Pistone, Glenn Barr, Jeremy Fish, Jim Avignon, Joe Ledbetter, Jon Burgerman, Lisa Petrucci, Marco About, Michael Sieben, Mr. Wany, Naoshi, Paul Chatem, Shag, Tokidoki, Victor Castillo
via dei Greci 30
00187 Roma / Italy
Things To Come…

September 9 – October 8
Bold Hype Gallery, NYC
Hi-Fructose Collected 2
A thick 300+ page hardcover book expands a best of selection of material from issues 5-8 of the magazine.
Packed with intelligent interviews and exposés on leading pop surrealists, street artists and new contemporary artists, from all over the world. The Hi-Fructose Collected 2 Box Set, edited by Annie Owens and Attaboy, is a must-have addition to your personal library.
The hardcover book includes a special introduction by the infamous Long Gone John
Amy Sol, Lori Earley, James Jean, Audr ey Kawasaki, Mars-1 , Parskid, Brendan Danielsson, David Stoupakis, Apak, Angry Woebots, Jordan Crane, Marion Peck, Yoko d’Holbachie, Jason D’Aquino, Ken Keirns, Scott Radke, Amy Casey, Mark jenkins, Oliver Munday, Brendan Tang, Travis Louie, Brian Dettmer, Kukula, KMNDZ, Freek Drent, XiaoQing Ding, Naoto Hattori, Paul Pope, Chris Mars, Edwin Ushiro, Jonathan Wayshak, KRK Ryden, Gregory Jacobsen, Yoskay Yamamoto, Mike Rea, Ferris Plock, Oksana Badrack, Femke Heimstra, Victor Castil lo, The Taxidermy of Dr. Seuss, Esao Andrews, Robert Hardgrave, Camille Rose Garcia, Barnaby Barford, McBess and More!
Available for pre-order June 1 @
Survey Select
Narrative Art Exhibition
July 15 – September 5
Introducing “Survey Select—Narrative Art Exhibition,” a contemporary art exhibition celebrating 65 internationally renowned artists. “Survey Select” elevates the narrative tradition of storytelling with original art works, critical writings, workshops, films and community events. Through a unified presentation of painting, drawing, collage and sculpture the public can experience a 8 week museum show for free six days a week from July 15 through September 15 at the Wonderbread Factory in downtown San Diego.
“Survey Select” features a diverse group of 65 cultural instigators not afraid to articulate the complexities of life through their personal, thought-provoking, narrative style. This diverse group of selected artists represents an emerging community of fine art painters from Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Korea, Japan, Mexico, Spain, Sweden and the United States, ranging in ages 18 to 75. Many of the exhibition’s artists have been featured in museums, documentaries and books, as well as actively teach. View all 64 artists
Wonderbread Factory – 171 14th Street, San Diego, CA 92101
Hi-Fructose 5th Anniversary Show
March 13 – April 4
Featuring work by a select group of outstanding artists:
Chris Mars, Jeff Soto, Kevin Cyr, Kris Kuksi, Jonathan Viner, Martin Witfooth, Lori Earley, Mark Ryden, Thomas Doyle, Scott Musgrove, Victor Castillo, Amy Sol, Audrey Kawasaki, Brendan Danielsson, Brian Dettmer, Candice Tripp, Jesse Hazlip, Greg “Craola” Simkins, Harma Heikens, Attaboy, Alex Pardee, James Jean, Scott Hove, Sas Christian, Colin Christian, Yoko D’Holbachie, Travis Lampe, Junko Mizuno, Brandt Peters, Mia, Chet Zar, Kathie Olivas, Johnny “KMNDZ” Rodriguez, Sam Gibbons, Annie Owens, Yosuke Ueno, Skinner, Ewelina Ferruso
Copro Gallery – 2525 Michigan Ave. T5, Santa Monica, CA 90404
Aqua Wynwood Art Fair
December 3-6
Murphy Fine Arts and curator/publisher Mark Murphy will be exhibiting this year at Aqua Wynwood Art Fair December 3-6. The booth space is located at No. 44a and 44b, sharing with Galerie D’Art Yves Laroche.
Artists featured include: Seonna Hong, Tony Fitzpatrick, Jeff Soto, Martin Wittfooth, Meggs, Cathie Bleck, Robert Connett, Mia, Marco Wagner, Mark Todd, Esther Pearl Watson, Brendan Danielsson, Christopher Buzelli, Leslie Ditto and Joel Nakamura.
Aqua Art Miami (Wynwood) – 42 NE 25th St. Miami FL 33137
Don’t Wake Daddy IV
December 5, 2009
Participating artists:
Anthony Ausgang, Anthony Pontius, Brendan Danielsson, Brendan Monroe, Danielle de Picciotto, Dan May, Eric White, Femke Hiemstra, Fred Stonehouse, Gary Baseman, Gastón Liberto, Gregory Hergert, Heiko Müller, Jason Limon, John Casey, Marcus Schäfer, Mark Elliott, Martin Wittfooth, Matt Lock, Mitch Blunt, Moki, Nando Vivas, Paul Chatem, Sergio Mora, The Horror aka Daniel Cantrell, Travis Louie, Van Arno, Wolfgang Sangmeister
Feinkunst Krüger – Ditmar-Koel-Str. 22, 20459 Hamburg, Germany
13th Hour
October 24, 2009
Participating artists:
Shawn Barber, Matthew Bone, Paul Booth, Vincent Castiglia, Andy B. Clarkson, Christopher Conte, Coro, Brendan Danielsson, Ewelina Ferruso, Fred Harper, Stephanie Henderson, Robert Hernandez, Craig LaRotonda, Jeff McMillan, Gilbert Oh, Pooch, Anthony Pontius, Dan Quintana, Celeste Rappone, Paul Rumsey, David Stoupakis, Tin, Brian Viveros, Jasmine Worth, Genevive Zacconi, Chet Zar.
Last Rites Gallery – 511 W. 33rd Street, New York, NY 10001