Don’t Wake Daddy XIV
Curated by Heiko Müller and Ralf Krüger
Participating artists:
Allison Sommers, Amandine Urruty, Aniela Sobieski, Barbara Lüdde, Bene Rohlmann, Boje Arndt Kiesiel, Brad Woodfin, Brendan Danielsson, Craig LaRotonda, Dan Barry, Dewi Plass, El Gato Chimney, Elmar Lause, Erlend Tait, Fred Stonehouse, Gregory Hergert, Husni Lagot, Jason Limon, Heiko Müller, Josef Florian Krichbaum, Justell Vonk, Lee K, Marc Burckhardt, Marcus Schäfer, moki, Naive John, Nick Sheehy, Pamela Tait, Paul Barnes, Patrick Sellmann, Peca, Ryan Heshka, Stig Bergas, Susanne König
Feinkunst Krüger – Kohlhöfen 8, 20355 Hamburg, Germany
32nd Annual Drawing Show

December 7 – December 30, 2018
Some of the artists in this show weren’t even born yet when Billy Shire decided to clear out the storage apartment at the corner of Melrose and Martel, upstairs from his flagship Soap Plant shop with marked purpose. His vision: to showcase the incredible, ethnic folk art he brought back from Mexico, Guatemala, and museum quality pieces from Asia and elsewhere alongside that of his talented friends–people who were finding a hard time being taken seriously by the art establishment of the era in spite of their technical prowess. His experiment has spawned a legacy. The renewed interest in illustration art resultant from his gallery’s success influenced the zeitgeist and launched industries. The lowbrow movement of California Art (which in turn informed the Pop Surrealists that followed) influenced fashion, television, film, and culture. The rest, as they say, is history.
The 32nd Annual Drawing Show is an invitational event that traces the history of Post-Pop in its birthplace.
Contact Gallery Director Matthew Gardocki for purchase info or to be placed on preview list: (323)666-7667
Don’t Wake Daddy XIII
December 1 – 22, 2018
Participating artists:
Alex Kuno, Amandine Urruty, Aniela Sobieski, Barbara Lüdde, Brad Woodfin, Brendan Danielsson, Brian Serway, Caitlin McCormack, Ego, El Gato Chimney, Elif Varol Ergen, Elmar Lause, Erlend Tait, Fred Stonehouse, Gideon Pirx, Gregory Hergert, Hazel Ang, Heiko Müller, Jason Limon, John Casey, Jym Davis, Marc Burckhardt, Marco Wagner, Marcus Schäfer, Mark Elliott, moki, Natalie Foss, Ramon Keimig, Roman Klonek, Susanne König, Ti Kunkit
Feinkunst Krüger – Kohlhöfen 8, 20355 Hamburg, Germany
Monsters of Drawing

May 5 – May 26, 2018
Participating artists: Heiner Blumenthal, Eiko Borcherding, Peter Boue, Fernando De Brito, Kyung-hwa Choi-ahoi, Brendan Danielsson, Anton Engel, Xenia Fink, Namio Harukawa, Simon Hehemann, Peter Heikenwälder, Derek Hess, Femke Hiemstra, Lars Hinrichs, Achim Hoops, Natalie Huth, Lukas Jüliger, Andrey Klassen, Ki Yoon Ko, Olrik Kolhoff, Gesa Lange, Levke Leiss, Philip Loersch, Barbara Lüdde, Stefan Marx, Dominik Meyer, Heiko Müller, Piotr Nathan, Sebastian von Papp, Lawrence Power, Johanna Rüggen, Jay Ryan, Kristine Schoepflin, Dennis Scholl, Martin Scholten, Patrick Sellmann, Sir Paul Smith, Amandine Urruty, Anne Vagt, Stefan Vogel, Klaus Waschk.
Feinkunst Krüger – Kohlhöfen 8, 20355 Hamburg, Germany
Don’t Wake Daddy XI
Participating artists:
Alex Diamond, Amandine Urruty, Aniela Sobieski, Anthony Ausgang, Anthony Pontius, atak, Bene Rohlmann, Boje Arndt Kiesiel, Brendan Danielsson, Caitlin McCormack, Charlie Immer, Corine Perier, Craig LaRotonda, El Gato Chimney, Elmar Lause, Esther Pearl Watson, Femke Hiemstra, Fred Stonehouse, Gregory Hergert, Heiko Müller, Jon Todd, Marc Burckhardt, Marco Mazzoni, Marco Wagner, Marcus Schäfer, Mark Todd, moki, Patrick Henne, Rayk Amelang, Ryan Heshka, Steven D‘Arbenzio, Susanne König und Tanja Hirschfeld.
Feinkunst Krüger – Kohlhöfen 8, 20355 Hamburg, Germany
beinArt Surreal Art Show
The beinArt Surreal Art Show 2016 will be the 5th beinArt Collective group exhibition at CoproGallery, curated by Jon Beinart. This exhibition will showcase new work by over 55 artists. All participating artists have been selected for their exceptional technique and shared fascination for surreal and imaginative themes. See online preview!
PARTICIPATING ARTISTS: Greg “Craola” Simkins, Martin Wittfooth, Travis Louie, David Stoupakis, Josh Keyes, Esao Andrews, Jana Brike, Casey Weldon, Chris Mars, Chet Zar, Redd Walitzki, Dan May, Henrik Aa. Uldalen, Marco Mazzoni, Hannah Faith Yata, F. Scott Hess, Matt Dangler, John Brosio, Naoto Hattori, Brian Viveros, Scott Scheidly, Peter Gric, Cam de Leon, John Brophy, Jean Labourdette, Pamela Wilson, Scott G. Brooks, Jason Limon, Christopher Ulrich, Kikyz1313, Jon Jaylo, Tomasz Alen Kopera, Heidi Taillefer, Chris Peters, Matthew J. Levin, Carrie Ann Baade, Jeremy Enecio, Jeff Jacobson, Sandra Yagi, Barnaby Whitfield, Sarina Brewer, Maria Teicher, Erik Thor Sandberg, Brendan Danielsson, Jeff Christensen, Alexandra Manukyan, R. Freymuth-Frazier, Eddy Stevens, Chris Leib, Steven Kenny, Jonathan Payne, Greg Brotherton, Robert Steven Connett, Jonathan Bergeron, José Luis López Galván & Mark Gleason
WHERE: Copro Gallery / 2525 Michigan Ave. T5 / Santa Monica, CA 90404 – PHONE: 1-310-829-2156
Don’t Wake Daddy X
The 10th annual Don’t Wake Daddy group exhibition.
Participating artists:
an Arno, Anthony Ausgang, Dan Barry, Jana Brike, Chris Buzelli, John Casey, Victor Castillo, Paul Chatem, Brendan Danielsson, Danielle de Picciotto, Alex Diamond, Mark Elliott, Charles Glaubitz, Thorsten Hasenkamm, Gregory Hergert, Ryan Heshka, Femke Hiemstra, Charlie Immer, Gregory Jacobsen, Boje Arndt Kiesiel, Susanne König, Craig LaRotonda, Elmar Lause, Sean Lewis, Jon MacNair, Moki, Sergio Mora, Heiko Müller, Thorsten Passfeld, Anthony Pontius, Bene Rohlmann, Wolfgang Sangmeister, Marcus Schäfer, Allison Sommers, Fred Stonehouse and Marco Wagner.
Feinkunst Krüger – Kohlhöfen 8, 20355 Hamburg, Germany
10th Annual BLAB! Exhibition
Copro Gallery presents THE TENTH ANNUAL BLAB! group art exhibition. This will be the 10th BLAB exhibition with Copro Gallery curated by Monte Beauchamp. The current 2015 group exhibition will feature art from the forthcoming BLAB WORLD 3.
Monte Beauchamp is an awarding-winning art director whose books have been featured in Vanity Fair, The New York Times, The Onion, The Believer, Flaunt, Bizarre, Graphis, Print, and ForeWard magazine, among others. His titles include Krampus: The Devil of Christmas (Last Gasp), The Life and Times of R. Crumb (St. Martin’s Press), and Striking Images: Vintage Match Cover Art (Chronicle), New & Used BLAB! (Chronicle). He is currently working on a book for Simon & Schuster.
BLAB WORLD is a deluxe anthology of art, illustration, articles, profiles, found graphics, cartoons and sequential art collected by award-winning art director Monte Beauchamp. BLAB WORLD 2 features: The Hereafter” — a 50-page section of artists interpreting the afterlife! Contributors include Femke Heimstra, Kris Kuksi, Gary Baseman, Nicoletta Ceccoli, Martin Wittfooth, Gary Taxali, Yoko d’Holbachie, Ryan Heshka, Eric White, Owen Smith, Xiaoquing Ding, Lou Beach, Marc Burckhardt, Chet Zar, and many more.
CoproGallery – 2525 Michigan Ave , Unit T5, Santa Monica , CA 90404
Don’t Wake Daddy IX
Participating artists: Alex Diamond, Allison Sommers, Anthony Pontius, Bene Rohlmann, Boje Arndt Kiesiel, Brendan Danielsson, Brendan Monroe, Charlie Immer, Chris Buzelli, Craig LaRotonda, Dan Barry, Elmar Lause, Femke Hiemstra, Fred Stonehouse, Gregory Hergert, Heiko Müller, Jon MacNair, Lars Hinrichs, Marco Wagner, Marcus Schäfer, Mark Elliott, Moki, Paul Chatem, Rayk Amelang, Roman Klonek, Ryan Heshka, Scott D. Wilson, Sean Lewis und Susanne König.
Feinkunst Krüger – Kohlhöfen 8, 20355 Hamburg, Germany
HEY! #19

I’m super happy to be featured in the new issue of HEY! Go buy one!